Choice of booking
Appointments System
Appointments can be arranged by telephone by calling in person or online via the links below. If you think your problem is medically urgent, please give the receptionist an outline including details of how long you have had the problem so that she can organise an appropriate appointment or seek advice from the doctors.
Patient’s Preference of Practitioner
You have the right to express a preference to receive services from a particular practitioner. If you do express a preference you will be given an appointment in their next available clinic. This may not be possible in the case of any urgent appointment request.
3. Alternatively contact the surgery on 0191 5261643 and ask to book an appointment.
Telephone Advice
If you would like to speak to the doctor for advice but are unable to attend the surgery, please contact the receptionist who will be able to advise you of an appropriate time to telephone. If possible, give an indication of what you would like to discuss (unless there is something confidential which you would prefer to discuss with the doctor).
The practice occasionally undertakes the training of healthcare professionals.
We will always seek your permission for the trainee to participate or observe during your consultation.
Practice Nurses
In a number of cases it might be worth considering an appointment with a practice nurse rather than a doctor. Practice nurses are qualified to deal with many conditions and you may be seen more quickly.
Cancel an Appointment
It is important that you inform the reception staff if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. If you fail to notify the Practice that you are unable to attend, you will be sent a letter informing you that you have defaulted from your appointment. Persistent defaulters maybe removed from the list.
You can also complete our appointment cancellation notification request form. This can only be used if your appointment has been arranged for more than 24 hours in advance. (excluding weekends and public holidays). You can also text to cancel your appointment.
Text Reminder Service
We have a texting service which allows you to receive confirmation and reminders about your appointments.
To have this service you will need to register by completing a consent form.
Please remember to update your contact details with us when you change address, telephone numbers and email address.